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Teilen Sie hier Ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen mit C60

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S. Jones

A friend who is a big man, and rather ill tumours bad heart etc..was supposed to have been dead weeks ago….we started him off on one teaspoon per day which he has done for about a month now and all sorts of good things have happened. The dose did not interfere with his meds either…bear in mind he is a big man, however I too started off with a teaspoon a day and then two, then a dessert spoon and I’ve been taking c60 all year.

I suppose I should point out the benefits he attributes to c60…way less pain, way better naps during the day..better bladder function, and his blood tests have improved from just two week of taking c60. I am surprised by this…i figured it would take much longer to see any benefit at all.

M. Nelson

My daughter has hashimotos (thyroid disease). She has been taking 1 tesp a day for a month. Last week she started getting super hot and super emotional. She lives in Kaneohe, HI
And it is very hot there this time of year but normally she would be wearing sweat pants and many times a sweater when we face time. She was most always cold no matter the temperature. She made an appointment with the doctor cause she knew her thyroid was off again… Turns out that her thyroid is much better and the medication was now to strong. So the medication was reduced and now she is much better… wearing shorts and halter tops and emotionally stable again.

This has been my experience with c60 so far…. if you are taking any prescription medications you need to have them periodically adjusted as the c60 is healing the problem. My blood pressure medication has now been reduced 75% of what I was taking before c60. It was a gradual reduction taken by close monitoring of my bp.

S. Sturm

I have been taking C60 over two months. 2 droppers first thing in the morning. I was aging fast at 72 with enough pain in my knees to avoid stairs, having to stand for a few minutes before walking when I had been sitting, not possible to squat on the floor, pains that would keep me from sleeping, lethargy, shuffling when I walked.
All that has changed. It was slow coming on, well, if you consider two months slow! I am amazed how I feel 20 years young, and have actually gone back to work as a real estate agent because I had all of this energy and vitality and didn’t know what to do with it. I sleep better, just can’t believe the difference. Pinch myself every day wondering if it will disappear.

I am no longer hesitant to walk down a short hill, even my balance seems better. Thank you so much for this wonderful C60. I will never stop taking it and have started 3 family members on it so far.

M. Fort

My son 45. Before C60 couldn’t read fine print
Taking large dose for 9 months
His eye sight is great now doesn’t need glasses.
A funny bonus
He tells me he was great pool player years ago, but the past few years ‘crap’ Gave up playing.
Tried again last week and back to being the ace he was!
Very big man lots health issues,
Has ulcerative colitis
4th colonoscopy recently no polyps first time, awoke from procedure better than he went in… ie no after effects from anesthetic, and hasn’t taken medication since
Making a difference to his health, Makes me an ecstatic Mum.

David Stiles

I want to thank you for the bottles you sent after the originals were shipped to be broken. I have now taken the C60 for a little over a month now. In the first week, I saw a major jump in my energy… In the last couple of weeks, I have noticed my anxiety is lessened and I am able to think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand. My memory is starting to get a little better….. Thank you for being an honest company.

K. Elmer

I suffer from eczema for years, doctor prescribes steroidal creams which are effective at first, then taper off. Always need to get a new prescription. Hands mostly, dry skin patches & peeling off. One day decided to just put C60 oil on my hands. In one day, dryness went away. In a week, hands completely normal. Have had a few breakouts since, and the exact same response w/ C60 each time. AMAZING!

Crosis Eidenschink

WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW Hallo ihr Lieben, Danke Philipp Samor und Leela und alle die an daran teilhaben das das Leela C 60 auf den Markt gekommen ist Ich habe erst vergangenen Freitag begonnen es einzunehmen Und die erste Reaktion meines Körpers war totale Entspannung Am Samstag war ja dann dieser wunderbare Vortrag, der für mich wie ein LEELA DARSHAN  war, im einfach nur zuzugucken wie der mit seiner Liebe und Freude den Vortrag begleitet hat Heute bin ich wieder zu Hause und alles was in Amritabha die letzten Tage geschehen ist kann sich nun setzen Am Morgen beim meditieren war die Energie so stark auf das Leela C 60 ausgerichtet, das ich die Flasche auf den Altar  stellte und damit meditierte Als erstes meldeten sich Stellen an meinem Körper die eingerieben werden wollten Als das Öl einzog sprach mein Körper mit mir und ich konnte erkennen was das Öl auf der ENERGETISCHEN EBENE BEWIRKT Der Kohlenstoff in seiner reinsten Form ist sozusagen die UrMaterie und Leelas Energie ist wie ein Schlüssel der zum ersten mal ( so hat es sich für mich angefühlt, das bis jetzt keine Energiearbeit wirklich die UrMaterie berühren könnte ) den UrMaterieZellkern berühren kann und somit Unsere Zellen bis in die tiefsten Tiefen den eigenen Himmel mit der Eigenen Erde verschmelzen kannnichts mehr dazwischen , Einheit nach der wir uns so lange sehnen Und das alles in Freude und Leichiger Transformation Ich bin soooooo Dankbar und Demütig Eigentlich ist das gar nicht in Worte zu fassen Ich habe das Öl natürlich auch gleich meinen PFLANZEN  vorgestellt und die waren ganz angetan, also habe ich meinen “ Versuchspflanzen “ jeweils einen Tropfen Öl in die Erde gegeben, worauf sich die Erde sofort entspannte und wie aus einem Chaos anManipulationensebenen ihren eigenen UrsprungsSchöpfungsMandalaKern zurückkehrte und die Zellen wie in sich Autak wurdennach der kurzen Zeit kann ich sagen das die Pflanzen kräftiger wirken und mehr Licht ausstrahlen
Exrem spannend , entspannend Om Leela Jay DANKE DANKE DANKE DANKE DANKE DANKE

Sun Ya Fischer

I went through intense times and couldn’t sleep well for long time. C60 energized by Leela, supported me a lot. Every day my energy came more and more into balancend And my Chi increased a lot. It’s an incredible product, full of beautiful energy. A powerful support for all kinds of issues  Love it so much! Thanks to Leela!


Ich fühle mich viel wacher und fitter. Mit c60 merke ich wie ich auch aus dem Kopf entgifte und mein Darm besser reguliert. Ich mag auch die Leela – Energie.

Luis Gasca

I really believe in conjunction with vegetarian diet and exercise as well other supplements I’m lessening my bad habits and improving my personality flaws thanks to leela c60. I can’t help but attribute my improved wellbeing and even to go out on a limb and say mental health has improved thanks to you and your product.

M. Fort

I had a recurring stomach upset for years doctor prescribed Pariot. Then went to two different Naturopaths over 28 months, off gluten and lactose with their supplements it helped somewhat.
11 months ago started 1 teaspoon a day 5 weeks later another stomach upset, it would wipe me out for 2 days.
Increased to two teaspoons a day and I am stomach upset free since!
Now I can eat lactose and gluten again, although at 73 I know I should give both up!!!
More clarity, more energy, more strength, no pain after exercise , wart fell off
Skin cancer (non malignant) sore had for weeks fell off and a surprise bonus I can smell again, lost that when I was sneezing 30 times a day with hay fever 50 years ago! I am on it for life!

M. Nelson

I have been taking c60 for almost 3 months. … 1 tsp. Twice daily plus hydrogen tablets in water. One of my health problems has been with my high blood pressure. It was finally somewhat controlled by taking 3 different pills 2xs daily…..and not without unpleasant side effects. So far I have eliminated one pill all together and the other 2 have been cut in half. I truly believe in a couple more months I will not have to take any of these pills. What a miracle that would be. I will update when that happens.

The other health problem was polymyalga rheumatica…. an autoimmune disease that caused so much pain in my joints that it was disabling. Since I started taking c60 I’ve only had about 6 days that I’ve been in pain and that was mostly in the first 3 weeks. I have no words to express how thankful I am for c60. The specialist said I would just have to live with this pain. Thank GOD that did not happen!

M. White

C60 + H2 has saved my uncle for now. He was an alcoholic who has cirrhosis of the liver. He has HCC. (Liver cancer). He was put on hospice due to the fact they could not medically treat him. They said it was end stage. He was to a point he could not walk and was In constant pain. I went to see him because I wanted to see him before he left us. I brought a bottle of C60 and H2 tablets. I told him I didn’t know if they would help him but I thought it was worth a try. I also told him not to tell his hospice nurse. His caregiver hid it in another cupboard and promised to give it to him. I had him drink H2 water then take a tablespoon of C60 in the am. Well 2 weeks later he had me bring him another bottle. He was kind of walking with a walker and had a tad bit more energy. It was amazing! Fast forward 3 months he walks just fine. He has even gone hiking. He has his color back in his skin and a ton of energy. He has had no ammonia problems since he stated. He is a new man with a second chance at live. Amazing!

God’s Best, Doug

I want to tell you some the things this oil has done for me. One thing this has done is stopping my Timmers. I’ve had a trimmer since I was in junior high school – 14 or 15 years old, I’m 65 yrs old now and it has stopped it completely!!! Unbelievable!!! Plus, I can tell it helps my memory. When I’m telling a story, I don’t forget where I am in the story. I know the oil really helps my trimmers because I was on vacation for two weeks and I didn’t take the oil and it (the trimmers) came back after 10 days. Thankyou

T. Faulkner

Six years ago my neighbours wife developed breast cancer. She had treatment and recovered. Then about four months ago the cancer returned. More aggressive this time and in multiple locations. Tumors in her groin, chest, neck, and back 2 to 3cm in size. The doctors only gave her a few months to live and commenced treatment to give her some more time. I told him (neighbour) about C60 and recommended she give it a try. So she started taking it around the same time as she was being treated. On her latest visit to the doctor he declared her cancer free. Doctor can’t believe it and says its a miracle as the medical treatment was only to buy some time.

Bernd M

My recovery time playing semi-professional soccer has been cut more than in half. I am 36 years old and have never felt as fit and strong since taking Leela C60. I immediately noticed more focus, energy and some impact on endurance already after 2-3 weeks of taking it. But after 3 months now I’m literally impressed and love the fact that I can so easily recover. I’ve had no known health issues I needed to work on, I just started taking it for health maintenance. The results are way more than I hoped to expect. I feel really good about it. Thank you!


Kurz vor einem körperlichen Zusammenbruch,  im Juni 2016 wurde bei mir eine seltene Stimmkrankheit diagnostiziert, auch bekannt als beidseitige Recurrensparese. Endlich die erlösende Antwort auf viele Beschwerden und körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen. Die Ärzte gaben mir wenig Hoffnung, die bisher bekannten Therapie Methoden, wie Luftröhren Schnitt etc. stellten für mich keine lebenswerte Option da. Anders als bei herkömmlichen Vorgeschichten, liegt bei mir eine neurologische Diagnose zugrunde, die im Laufe der Jahre mir im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die Luft zum Atmen genommen hat.

Durch ein Seminar habe ich von C60 und der grandiosen Wirkung erfahren. Nach einigen Recherchen bestellte ich mir die erste Flasche C60. Bereits nach wenigen Tagen konnte ich eine sehr positive Wirkung in meinem Körper wahrnehmen. Es fühlt sich so an, als ob meine Zellen, mein gesamtes System, auf C60 gewartet hat.

Zuerst hielt ich mich an die empfohlene Dosierung, 1-2 Teelöffel pro Tag. Doch ich steigerte sehr schnell die Dosierung, denn ich spüre wie sich meine Zellen täglich auf C60 freuen.

Welche körperlichen Auswirkungen spüre ich?

• Mein Schlaf wird ruhiger und vor allem tiefer. Da wenig Luft in meinen Körper kommt, bin ich sehr auf Ruhephasen angewiesen. Diese werden insgesamt intensiver.
• Als Brillenträgerin bin ich es gewohnt, meine Brillen meiner Umgebung anzupassen. Am Laptop arbeite ich mit einer Lesebrille, doch sobald ich das Haus verlasse brauche ich eine ganz andere Sehstärke. Mir ist spätestens in der Tiefgarage aufgefallen, dass ich eine falsche Brille auf der Nase habe. Zwischenzeitlich gehe ich mit Lesebrille einkaufen, es fällt mir nur wesentlich später auf.
• Die Parrese ist anstrengend. Ein ständiges klopfen begleitet mich, so als ob noch einer in meinem Hals wohnen würde. Das beruhigt sich merklich. Irgendwann bekam ich den Impulse C60 nicht nur innerlich einzunehmen, sondern es auch äußerlich anzuwenden. Aktuell fühlt es sich so an, als ob der ungebetene Gast in meinem Hals freiwillig die Koffer am Packen ist.

Nach knapp 2 Monaten habe ich die erste 500 ml Flasche fast aufgebraucht. Da sich meine Zellen jeden Tag über die Einnahme freuen und es mir immer ein bisschen besser geht, werde ich natürlich weiterhin C60 täglich innerlich und äußerlich anwenden.

Gerne berichte ich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut von meinen positiven Erfahrungen.

Eine herzliche Empfehlung vor allem an die Menschen, die neurologische Schädigungen haben und von der Medizin als unheilbar klassifiziert worden sind.

Tula Herzberg

C. Deutschmann

View or experience: Ich fühle mich schon nach 10 Tagen Einnahme von Leela C 60 insgesamt wacher, aktiver, mit weniger erschöpften Phasen, dabei weniger übersäuert im ganzen Körper, also auch kein „brennendes“  Muskelgewebe mehr und ich habe das Gefühl, in meinem Gehirn „bewegt sich etwas“ – ich schätze von Vorteil :-))
Ich beobachte weiterhin aufmerksam die täglichen Veränderungen, trinke weiterhin viel gereinigtes Quellwasser als gutes Transportmittel für die Ausleitungen des Ballasts. Ich freue mich sehr ein Allroundmittel fürs Wohlbefinden gefunden zu haben und bin sehr dankbar für dieses in der Tiefe wie ich es empfinde heilungs- und Leben- unterstützende Geschenk der Natur.
